男子女乳症矫正手术 Gynecomastia

通过去除胸部多余的脂肪和腺体组织,可以为许多男性恢复阳刚之气和自信。虽然可能需要进一步检查是否是荷尔蒙问题,但该问题在手术后通常不会复发。术后胸部可能需要几个月的时间来软化和完全愈合,一般需要一周的恢复期。 了解更多 A breast reduction can restore masculinity and confidence for many men by removing excess fat and glandular tissue from the chest. While further tests may be required to check if the underlying problem is hormonal, the issue usually doesn’t recur after the procedure. The chest area can take a few months to soften and completely heal, and will generally require a week away from work to recover. View More

*Please note, all after photos are three months post procedure. Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not guarantee similar results for other patients and will vary according to genetics, diet and exercise.