微整形-丰唇 Filler — Lips

唇部填充物可以是获得饱满挺翘嘴唇的最佳方式。新陈代谢快的人对这种柔软的注射填充物吸收得更快,填充的效果通常持续六到九个月。有一点瘀伤的风险,但一般没有恢复期。 Lip fillers can be the best way to achieve plump and well-proportioned lips. The soft injectable gel is absorbed quicker by people with a fast metabolism, and the effects of the procedure typically last between six and nine months. There is a small risk of bruising, but generally no recovery period.

*Please note, all after photos are three months post procedure. Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not guarantee similar results for other patients and will vary according to genetics, diet and exercise.