植入后的恢复时间是多少? What is the Recovery Time Following Implants?



The Doctors’ Studio采用的是“快速恢复技术”,由丹尼尔·弗莱明博士于2007年首次引入澳大利亚,该技术是根据德克萨斯州整形外科医生约翰·特贝茨2006年的一篇文章改编的。


One of the most common questions patients ask is how long it will take them to recover after their operation.

The Doctors’ Studio practices the “Rapid Recovery Technique”, first introduced to Australia by Dr Daniel Fleming in 2007 and based on an article by Texas plastic doctor Dr John Tebbetts in 2006.

According to the Rapid Recovery Technique - which is the technique that Dr Tebbetts has published - “96 percent of patients who elected to have the implant placed under the muscle, returned to full, normal activity in 24 hours or less”




This method was invented by a Texan Plastic doctor who calls it the “Out to dinner breast augmentation”, which is probably a little optimistic, but it is possible, and some of my patients do go out for dinner that evening.

After Your Surgery:

Immediately after your surgery, you can expect some swelling, pain, and bruising in the area. This is a normal reaction and you will gradually improve over the next few days and weeks.

*Please note, all after photos are three months post procedure. Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not guarantee similar results for other patients and will vary according to genetics, diet and exercise.




Post-Surgery Recovery Tips:

There are a number of things you can do yourself after the surgery to make sure you recover as quickly as possible. Consider creating a recovery plan before you go in for surgery so that you are well prepared to rest and can avoid any activities that may make recovery more difficult. Some ways to reduce swelling and help you recover more quickly are:

• Drinking plenty of water
• Monitoring your temperatures as directed
• Eating the right food
• Sleeping on your back with your head and shoulders elevated
• Avoiding certain medications (your doctor will advise you on this)
• Take prescribed antibiotics
• Avoid showering unless your doctor says you can
• Wear the provided compression garments
• Gently massage the area
• Don’t overdo things and get plenty of rest
• Avoid physical activities




If you follow these suggestions, you will give yourself the best chance at recovering quickly so that you can see the results of your procedure and go back to your everyday activities.

Returning to Work:

Most women in non-physical jobs can return to work in about 4-7 days after the operation. However, you need to avoid any strenuous activities over the next six weeks, and may need to take more time off work if your job is physically demanding.