乳房-乳房缩小术 Breast — Reduction

此手术适用于希望拥有更小的乳房、提升乳房形状和乳头位置的女性。它可以帮助她们调整身材比例、增强锻炼和身体活动能力,并让女性拥有更多的服装选择。大多数女性都可以接受该手术产生的疤痕,因为它会在一年左右的时间内消退。该程序有时可以由 Medicare 或私人健康保险提供补贴。它是一项日间手术,需要一周的休息时间。 了解更多 This procedure is suited for women who want smaller breasts with a lifted shape and nipple position. It can help them with body proportions, exercise and physical mobility, and to fit a greater range of clothing. Scarring is acceptable to most women as it fades over a year or so. This procedure is sometimes subsidised by Medicare or private health insurance. It involves day surgery and a week off work View More

*Please note, all after photos are three months post procedure. Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not guarantee similar results for other patients and will vary according to genetics, diet and exercise.