乳房-更换乳房假体 Breast — Implant Replacement

对原来的乳房假体不满意,并希望更换而不是完全移除假体的女性应考虑这种手术。最新的乳房假体更耐用,具有粘性凝胶和更厚的包裹体,以及更长的产品寿命。这种手术的效果取决客户本身假体的情况和自身身体结构,恢复时间通常比原来的手术要短。 了解更多 Women who have issues with their original breast implants and would prefer to replace rather than remove them altogether should consider this procedure. Our modern implants are more durable, with a cohesive gel and a thicker shell for improved longevity. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on the problem being addressed and the woman’s chest anatomy. Recovery time is usually less than the original surgery. View More

*Please note, all after photos are three months post procedure. Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not guarantee similar results for other patients and will vary according to genetics, diet and exercise.