乳房-假体取出 Breast — Implant Removal

这项手术适合想要摘除乳房假体的女性,虽然假体摘除后,乳房最初看起来不如之前饱满,但组织通常会在六个月后很好地紧致收缩。这项手术也可以与乳房提升术或脂肪移植相结合自然的增大乳房。单独移除乳房假体的恢复期很短,通常只需要几天。 This procedure is recommended for women who no longer want their breast implants. While the breasts initially appear empty of volume, the tissues generally retract well after six months. This procedure may also be combined with a breast lift or fat transfer to add natural volume. Implant removal alone has a short recovery period of only a few days.

*Please note, all after photos are three months post procedure. Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not guarantee similar results for other patients and will vary according to genetics, diet and exercise.